Recent projects that I've had the privilege to work on:

TTRPG supplements in which I'm credited for writing & design:

TTRPG supplements which I designed subclasses, NPCs or playable ancestries:

Charity TTRPG supplements which I had the privilege to work on:

(waves awkwardly as you enter)

Hello there. My name is Brittney (they/she), and welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm an Ennie nominated, mithral best-selling TTRPG writer and designer; Mom to an amazingly creative goblin child, and all around nerd since I cracked out of my shell and entered the universe.

You can find me over on Twitter (FNDungeonMom), where I talk about whatever pops into my brain space, but beware that you will be spammed with all manner of dog, cat and small humanoid child pictures and/or videos, as well as gaming content. Basically anything that takes my fancy. It's all sorts of randomness over there, you have been warned.